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Polk County Cemeteries Sorted by Township |
If there is a cemetery transcription and or a picture, the links below will take you there.
Be sure and look at the Main Polk County Cemetery page also. If you have additional information concerning cemeteries in Polk county, please contact the County Coordinator.
Andover Township
- Burnham Creek Cemetery (Previously "Unnamed Cemetery) - Section 8"
- Andover Township Cemetery - Section 14
Angus Township
- No Cemeteries known
Badger Township
- Broderheim Cemetery - Section 32
- Sorum Cemetery - Section 17
- Saron Lutheran Cemetery - Section 14
Belgium Township
- No Known Cemeteries
Brandsvold Township
- Poplar River Cemetery - Section 34
- Brandsvold Lutheran Cemetery - Section 14
- Froen Lutheran Cemetery - Section 13
Brandt Township
- Melo Lutheran Cemetery - Section 5
Brislet Township
- No Known Cemeteries
Bygland Township
Chester Township
- Valle Lutheran Cemetery - Section 2 - amalgamation of Lost River Church organized 1893 and Aardal Church organized 1898 in 1923
- Old Valle Lutheran Cemetery - Section 2
Columbia Township
- St. Peter Lutheran (aka St. Petri) Cemetery - Section 1
- Oakland Cemetery - Section 13
- Poplar Lake Cemetery - Section 20
- Fridhem Lutheran Cemetery - Section 26
- St. Paul Cemetery - City of Lengby
- Emmanuel Lutheran Cemetery - City of Lengby
Crookston Township
- No Known Cemeteries
Eden Township
Esther Township
- Kongsvinger Lutheran Cemetery - Section 2 (aka Kingsvinger)
- Bethany Lutheran Cemetery - Section 36
- Esther Township - Unnamed Cemetery - Section 3, Polk Co., MN - not listed on plat maps
Euclid Township
- St. Paul's Lutheran Cemetery - Section 7
- Prairie View Cemetery - Section 11 - about 1 mile North of the town of Euclid on Highway 75
Fairfax Township
- No Known Cemeteries
Fanny Township
- No Known Cemeteries
Farley Township
- No Known Cemeteries
Fisher Township
- Oakhill Cemetery - Section 16 - (aka Merrill Cemetery in older obituaries)
- Greenwood Cemetery - Section 22
- Erickson Family Cemetery - Section 35
- Fisher Lutheran Cemetery - Section 21
Garden Township
- Lima Cemetery - Section 2
- Union Lake Cemetery - Section 12
Garfield Township
- Little Norway Cemetery - Section 15
- Pleasant Hill & Concordia Cemeteries - City of Fertile
- First Evanger Lutheran Cemetery - Section 21
- St. Joseph's Catholic Cemetery - Section 21
Gentilly Township
- St. Peters Catholic Cemetery - formerly Holy Cross Cemetery; Section 20
Godfrey Township
- Hitterdal Cemetery - Section 14
- Our Saviors Lutheran Cemetery - Section 19
- Maple Bay Cemetery/aka Grace Cemetery - Section 11 - On line of Section 10 & 11
Grand Forks Township
Grove Park Township
- Old Hitterdal - Section 30
- Lake Side Cemetery - Section 34
- First English Lutheran Cemetery - Section 34
- Faith Lutheran Cemetery - City of Mentor
- St. Lawrence Cemetery - City of Mentor
- Rosehill Cemetery - Section 20
Gully Township
- Lund Cemetery - Section 35
- Sand Valley Lutheran Cemetery - Section 31
- St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Cemetery - Section 32
Hammond Township
- Zion Cemetery - Section 28
- Hanna Family Cemetery - Section 28
Helgeland Township
- No Cemeteries known
Higdem Township
- Our Savior's Lutheran Cemetery - Section 8 or Section 17 depending on which plat map
you look at. Most plat maps do not show it.- Swedish Mission Cemetery (local) - Section 25
- Swedish Mission Cemetery (offsite) - Section 25
Hill River Township
- Asphult Lutheran Cemetery - Section 28
- Vernes Lutheran Cemetery - Section 9
- Mamre Cemetery - Section 26
Hubbard Township
- Sundet Cemetery - Section 13, Twp. 147 Range 49 W (Note this township is larger than most townships - there are two different section 12, the other section 12 is in Twp. 147 Range 48 W)
Huntsville Township
Johnson Township
- Bethany Lutheran Cemetery - Section 21
Kertsonville Township
- Hafslo Cemetery (Old) - Section 30
Keystone Township
- No Cemeteries
King Township
- St. John's Cemetery - Section 4
- McIntosh Baptist Cemetery - Section 4
- Olivet Cemetery - Section 10
- St. Luke's Lutheran Cemetery - City of McIntosh
- Our Saviors Lutheran Cemetery - City of McIntosh
- Immanuel Cemetery - City of McIntosh
- Mt. Carmel Cemetery - City of McIntosh
- Salem Lutheran Cemetery -City of McIntosh
Knute Township
- Synod Lutheran Cemetery - Section 10
- Fairview Cemetery - Section 10
- Salem Swedish Lutheran Cemetery - Section 14
- Maple Range Cemetery - aka Bailey Family Cemetery
- Gosen Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery - Section 26
- Pioneer Lutheran Cemetery - Section 3
Lessor Township
- Trinity Free Lutheran Cemetery - Section 22
- New Sweden Cemetery - Section 22
- Oakland Cemetery - Sect. 12
Liberty Township
- Vernes Lutheran Cemetery - Section 10
- Scott-Widrig Cemetery - Section 21
Lowell Township
- Union Cemetery - Section 33 (Off site link)
- Oakdale Cemetery - City of Crookston
- Trinity Lutheran Cemetery - (aka German Lutheran Cemetery) - Section 19 - Fisher MN - April 2004 - unfortunately this cemetery was leveled in the early 1960's. In the last several years, ongoing efforts to locate the graves at Trinity Cemetery have been undertaken, as well as efforts to beautify the site. The Trinity Cemetery is located on private property. Please contact Jerry Wentzel about visiting the site.
Nesbit Township
- No Cemeteries ( See Huntsville Twp)
Northland Township
- No Cemeteries
Onstad Township
- No Cemeteries
Parnell Township
- No Cemeteries known
Queen Township
- Emmanuel Lutheran Cemetery - Section 1
- Bethlehem Lutheran Cemetery - Section 2>
- Queen Township Cemetery - Section 5
Formerly: First Norwegian Baptist Cemetery- Cross Lake Cemetery (Old)) - Section 21
- Cross Lake Cemetery (Newer) - Section 27
Reis Township
- Fairview Cemetery - Section 28
- Lone Star Cemetery - 12
Rhinehart Township
- No Cemeteries known
Roome Township
- Bardo Church Cemetery - Section 11
- First English Lutheran Cemetery
aka Eldred Cemetery Located in the town of Eldred.
The cemetery is located behind the church. It was organized in 1936.Rosebud Township
- Kingo Cemetery - City of Fosston
- Landstad Cemetery - City of Fosston
- Calvary Free Lutheran Church - City of Fosston
- Rosehill Cemetery - City of Fosston
- Hansville Catholic Cemetery - Section 19
- St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery (New) - City of Fosston
Russia Township
- Bethel Cemetery - Section 34
- Hafslo Cemetery (New)
Sandsville Township
- Nyskoga Cemetery - Section 28
Scandia Township
- Scandia Lutheran Cemetery - Section 35
- Private Cemetery - Section 22
Sletten Township
- Bethel Cemetery - Section 29
- Sand Hill Lutheran Cemetery - Section 15
- Landsverk Cemetery - Section 2
Sullivan Township
Holy Trinity Catholic Cemetery (old location) - Section 1Tabor Township
- Holy Trinity Catholic Cemetery - Section 17
- Tabor Presbyterian Cemetery - Section 17
- Czech National Cemetery - Section 18
- Tabor Lutheran Cemetery - Section 18
Tilden Township
- No Cemeteries known
Tynsid Township
- No Cemeteries known
Vineland Township
- Skatvold Cemetery - Section 33
- Birgit Cemetery - Section 36, Twp. 148 Range 49 W (Note this township is larger than most townships -there are two different section 36, the other section 36 is in Twp 148 Range 48 W)
- Sand Hill Cemetery - Section 3, Twp. 148 Range 49 W (Note this township is larger than most townships - thereare two different section 3, the other section 3 is in Twp. 148 Range 48 W)
Winger Township
- Dovre Cemetery - Section 3
- Calvary Cemetery - City of Winger
- Elim Cemetery - Section 27
- Storelvedalen Cemetery - Section 28
- Winger Lutheran Church and Cemetery - City of Winger
Woodside Township
- Rodnes Lutheran Cemetery - Section 12
- Maple Lake Cemetery - Section 20
Updated 20 NOV 2014 Updated 9 MAY 2015