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Lutheran Cemetery Section 26 of Knute Township, Polk County, Minnesota |
The Gosen Church and Cemetery are located in SE 1/4 of Section 26 in Knute Township. "The First Church of the Thirteen Towns. It was organized in 1884 and given the name "Den Norsk Evangeliske Lutherske Gosen Menighed i Polk County, Mn."
See information and pictures of the Gosen Church on the Gosen Church page.
This cemetery has been transcribed by the RRVGS, and a listing is in the Polk County Cemetery Books. That information is copyrighted, 1996.
The existing stones of the cemetery were copied on September 21, 1987, by Maxine Workman and Ethel Menholt.
Thanks to Jan Mjovig and LeRoy Mjovig for the following information that they transcribed and submitted in July 2002
West Side: Beginning with west row. TRANBY, Peter June 28, 1880 TRANBY, Edward 1848--1927 TRANBY, Olava 1856--1936 JACOBSON, Matt 1886--1957 JACOBSON, Elise 1885--1981 MJOVIG, Bollette Mother Sep. 9, 1826--Sep. 28, 1912 Framed Grave--baby size ZAHL, Hans M. Oct. 22, 1896--July 7, 1975 ZAHL, Anna M. Mother Jan. 19, 1903--May 16, 1941 FLERMOEN, Olaus L. 1901--1981 FLERMOEN, Ellen E. 1901--1980 Legion Auxiliary MJOVIG, John 1886--1941 MJOVIG, Live 1869--1943 MJOVIG, Jacob 1859--1941 MJOVIG, Jorgena 1911--1935 MJOVIG, Sophia Nov. 3, 1858--May. 3, 1886 LESETMO, Peder Dec. 13, 1897--June 18,1925 LESETMO, Albert 0. 1888--1979 Note: The following names were originally listed as a 2nd column which may mean it is a 2nd row. LESETMO, Dorthea 1832--16 Nov. 19O4 LESETMO, Ole 2 Aug. 1884--2 Feb. 19O6 LESETMO, Gollaug H. Mother 1856--1944 LESETMO, Ole Fader Dec. 6, 1861--Apr. 3, 1915 LESETMO, Pvt. Gilbert Olson July 25, 1895--Dec. 3, 1918 Co.L 54 Pioneer Inf. SORVIG, Edwin B. 1894--1920 DARL, Anna A. June lO, l88l--0ct. 25, l926 SORVIG (Monument only) GUNDERSON, Susana Mother 1858--1946 GUNDERSON, D. Leonard Father 1854--1936 BRATLIE, Lizzie Mother 1858-1928 GUNDERSON, Herman 1897--1986 GUNDERSON, Harold Mar. 7, 1890 -- Jan. 12, 1971 -- Mn. Pvt. Co. L 54 Pioneer Inf GUNDERSON, John 1885--1967 ENGEMOEN, Anders 0. 1834--1930 ENGEMOEN, Martha M. 1844--1930 ERICKSON, Albert H. no dates ERICKSON, Alma S. 1900--1955 HEIERMAN**, Rev. Nokolai 1850 - April 9, 1897 HEIERMAN**, Ingeborg - 1851-1893
**NOTE: Rev Nikolai Heierman, a pioneer church leader in this area and his wife Ingeborg are also buried here - these were not listed in the RRVGS listing. Descendants of the Heiermans, Larry and Marie Solberg, of Winger, MN, have sent the picture (right) of the Heierman's tombstone, and also a write up about Rev. Heierman, which appears below.
Thank you to Marie Chaffee-Solberg for submitting this information about Churches in this area, with permission of the Winger Historical Association - August 2003
Posted 2002 -- Copyright 2002-2015 Shirley Dorgan
Updated Nov. 2003
Updated March 9, 2015, K.Kittleson