

The following letter was received this morning from C.D. O'Brien, president of the John Albert Johnson Monument Memorial Commission:



St. Paul, Oct. 11, 1909

Mr. J. P. Dotson,

The Crookston Times Printing Co.,

Dear Sir: - I beg to acknowledge receipt of your favor of the 9th inst., enclosing draft No. 34403, of date October 9th, from the First National Bank of Crookston, on the First National Bank of St. Paul, to your order, for $90.00, and by you indorsed to me, this being contribution to the Johnson Memorial fund. Permit me to express the thanks of the commission to you and your people, for this contribution.

I have indorsed the draft to the order of Mr. B.F. Nelson, treasurer of the commission, and have forwarded it to Minneapolis. If you have not already sent us a list of the names of contributors, please do so, addressing your communication to Mr. C.W. Ames, Secretary, West Publishing Co., this city.

Yours very truly,

C.D. O'BRIEN, President

Johnson Memorial Commission.





Source: Crookston Times>
October 16, 1909

Submitted by Brenda G.
Updated APril 21, 2015, K. Kittleson