If I could I would boost the prices of Red River Valley land $5 per acre.
This is the verdict of Major McPhee on his return from a ten days trip to Calgary and other points in that section of Canada.
I am not criticizing the land there, but I am saying that we have something far superior," he said. "Land is eastern Manitoba, Minnesota and portions of North Dakota are far more desirable.
When that country is run out as a strictly wheat country, what are they going to do with the land?
However, the country about Calgary is developing very fast and conditions at the present time are good. For mine, however, I will take the Red River Valley. Our land is worth more than it is selling for.
Source: Crookston Times, Saturday, August 28, 1909
Submitter: Brenda G.
Updated: April 20, 2015, K. Kittleson