


Pursuant to call the county board of polk county, Minnesota, met in a special session on October 7 1909. Members present: Christianson, Thoreson, Clements, Eklund, and Driscoll.

The minutes of the special sessions held on September 2 and September 3, 1909, were on motion approved.

A petition was received from residents of the Town of Chester, asking for an appropriation from the county road and bridge fund. The petition was laid over until the next meeting by the board.

An application was presented by George J. Flaten, county treasurer, asking for an additional allowance of clerkhire in the sum of $200.00 for the year 1909. The application was on motion granted, all members voting in the affirmative.

The following resolution, offered by Commissioner Eklund, was adopted:

Resolved, That the county auditor be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids for 160 tons of soft coal and 200 cords of dry white poplar cord wood to be delivered at the court house in the city of Crookston, Said bids to be received up to 10 o'clock a.m. November 4, 1909.

The following resolution, offered by Commissioner Clements, was on motion adopted, all members present voting in the affirmative:

Whereas, it is necessary, in the opinion of the board of county commissioners of the county of Polk, in order to defray the expense incurred, and to be incurred, in locating, establishing and constructing county ditch No 81, in said county, that the County of Polk in the State of Minnesota should issue its bonds in the aggregate amounty of $7,500.00, and obtain a loan of that amount thereon; and said county desires to make an application to the State of Minnesota therefore:

Now, therefore, be it resolved by the board of county commissioners of the County of Polk, that the said county of Polk hereby makes application to the State of Minnesota for a loan of $7,500.00 upon the bonds of said county, to be used in defraying the expense incurred, and to be incurred, in locating, establishing, and constructing County Ditch No. 81, in the said county of Polk, and that the bonds of said County of Polk, bearing interest at the rate of four (4) per _________________________________the sum of

ordered payable as follows:

One bond for $3000.00 payable July 1st, 1915

One bond for $1,000.00 payable July 1st, 1916

One bond for $1,000.00 payable July 1st, 1917

One bond for 1,200.00 payable July 1st, 1918

One bond for $1,300.00 payable July 1st 1919

Be it further resolved that the chairman of the board of county commissioners of said county and the auditor of said county be and they are hereby authorized and directed to make, execute and deliver, on behalf of said county, all said bonds, and with the other officers of said county, all necessary papers in connection therewith.

An application was presented by E.F. Bacon, asking for the refundment of $19.29 of taxes paid for the year 1908 against the NE1/4 of SE1/4, Section 6, Town 149, Range 43. The application was recommended to the Minnesota Tax commission to be granted.

An application was presented by the Scandia American Bank of Crookston, Minnesota, asking for the refundment of $855.88 of the amount of personal property taxes paid for the year 1908. The application was laid over until the next meeting of the board.

On motion the board adjourned until 2 0'clock p.m. Board met prusuant to adjournment, all members present.

The Minneapolis Bridge and Iron Company submitted the following bid for building a bridge over the Sand Hill River west of Fertile, Minn.


Crookston, Minn.,

Oct. 7, 1909

Hon. Board of County Commissioners.

Polk County, Minn.

Gentlemen: The Minneapolis Bridge & Iron Company, of Minneapolis, Minnesota proposes to furnish all material and labor necessary for the construction of the superstructure and substructure of a 75 foot steel bridge over the Sand Hill River 1 1/2 miles west of Fertile at the site of the Kankel Dam for the sum of $2473,00. In view of the fact that the bridge must be built at the same time that the dam is built beneath the bridge, for which I have a private contract with the mill owner, and as the work must be ordered immediately in order to complete the same before freezing weather, thereby making it impossible for your board to advertise, we agree to duplicate the style of bridge guilt at Climas last year for which your board paid $2985.00 after an advertised letting, for the above sum of $512.00 less than the contract price of the Climax bridge, and we further agree to build wings on the Fertile bridge, built last year, free of charge.

Yours Respectfully,

Mpls. Bridge & Iron Co.

By Horace G. Whitmore, Agt.




The following resolution, accepting the bid of the Mpls. Bridge & Iron Co., was, on motion of Commissioner Clements adopted:

Whereas, this board has received a bid from the Minneapolis Bridge and Iron Company to construct the superstructure and substructure of a 75-foot steel bridge across the Sand Hill River about 1 1/2 miles west of the Village of Fertile, Polk County, Minn., at the site of the Kankel Dam is Section 19, Town of Garfield, and

Whereas, the bridge formerly located at the point has recently been destroyed by flood, and it is necessary in the opinion of this board that said bridge should be rebuilt in connection with the dam at that point, and that the public interests would suffer if the rebuilding of said bridge were to be delayed pending the advertisement for bids, therefore,

Be it resolved that the said bid of the Minneapolis Bridge and Iron Company to construct said bridge for the sum of $2473.00 be and the same is hereby accepted, and said company is required to enter into contract and furnish a satisfactory bond as required by law, provided that the town of Garfield will agree to pay $300.00 of said contract price.

The following resolution offered by Commissioner Clements was adopted:

Whereas, Orvis Hinds, appointed by this board as engineer in charge of County Ditch Nos. 77 and 79, has appointed Steener Steenerson as assistant engineer on said ditches, therefore,

Be it resolved that said appointment be and the same is hereby approved, and the amount of compensation to be paid to said assistant engineer is hereby fixed at the same amount as is allowed by law for services of engineers, appointed by the county board in ditch proceedings.

On motion the board adjourned until 10 o'clock a.m., Oct. 8, 1909. Board met pursuant to adjournment, all members present.

The following report, submitted by the road and bridge committee, was on motion accepted.

Crookston, Minn.,

Oct. 8, 1909.

To the Board of Co. Comm'rs of Polk Co., Minn.


The undersigned beg leave to report that we have inspected the bridge or slough on or near the line between Sections 33-34, Town of Higdem, also bridge across Tabor ditch on line between sections 25-26, Town of Northland. Said bridges are completed according to plans and specifications and we recommend that the contractor be paid the balance due on the contract price.

Respectfully submitted,

    E.G. Eklund,

    James Driscoll,

    H.H. Thoreson,

    Road and Bridge Committee.




The following report submitted by the road and Bridge Committee, was on motion accepted:

Crookston, Minn.,

Oct. 8, 1909.

To the Board of Co. Comm'rs of

Polk Co., Minn.


The undersigned beg leave to report that we have inspected the steel bridge built by the Mpls. Bridge & Iron Co., across Judicial Ditch No. 1, on line between Secs. 19 and 20, Town of Sandsville. We found that the bridge was not completed and therefore recommend that payment for said work be withheld till the bridge is fully completed.

Respectfully submitted,

  E.G. Edlund,

  James Driscoll,

  H.H. Thoreson.





The following report of committee was submitted and on mothion same was accepted:

Crookston, Minn.,

Oct. 8, 1909

Chairman, Board of County Commissioners:

I, the undersigned, appointed by you to supervise the construction of a certain bridge near Rindahl's store on the line between sections 33 and 34, Town of Garden, where the old bridge had been washed away by the recent flood, beg leave to report that I bought the necessary material for a pile bridge 20 feet long with three settings of piles, and employed Andrew Ricke, of Dugdale, Minn., to build the bridge for the sum of $75.00, being the cheapest I could employ any one at that time. The bridge is now completed and I further report that it is built in a good substantial and workmanlike manner, and I therefore recomend that the bills for said material and labor be paid by the county of Polk.

Respectfully submitted,

M. Christianson,






On motion, the board adjourned until 2 o'clock p.m. Board met pursuant to adjournment, all members present.

The following report of committee was submitted and on motion same was accepted:

Crookston, Minn.,

Oct. 8, 1909.

To the County Board,

Polk County, Minn.


The undersigned committee, appointed by you to act in conjunction with the Town Board of the Town of Andover in the matter of the contract for the construction of a bridge over Burnham Creek on line between Sections 9 and 10 of said town, beg leave to report that we have examined the bridge built by the Minneapolis Bridge and Iron Company at that point, and found same built according to contract, plans and specifications on file in the office of the county auditor, and we recommend that the bridge be accepted and that the contractor be paid the amount due for said work.

    Respectfully submitted,

    H.H. Thoreson,

    James Driscoll,




The following bills were audited and allowed:

Valley View Pub. Co., publishing ..... 36.00
Crookston Times Prt. Co., office supplies (2 bills) ..... 17.55
McKenzie-Robbins Prt. Co., books and stationery ..... 247.25
Free Press Prt. Co., legal blanks ..... 17.60
Improvement Bulletin, publishing notice .....7.60
Mrs. T.R. Brown, Jr., .....2.80
Orin Daniels, sheriff's fees (8 bills) ..... 328.25
Orin Daniels, boarding prisoners (2 bills) ..... 386.00
J.M. Stephens, wood ..... 56.00
Svisdal & Norseth, varnishing at court house ..... 300.00
Theodor Haagenson, work at court house ..... 1.75
T. Barnier, work at court house grounds ..... 2.00
Joe Lezotte, work at court house grounds ..... 4.00
Northw. Tel. Exch. Co. telephone services, (2 bills) ..... 30.10
Crookston Water Works, Power & Light Co., water and light, (2 bills) ..... 130.58
Robertson Lbr. Co., lumber ..... 1.00
J.E. O'Brien & Co., hardware ..... 36.85
Arne O. Busterud, hardware ..... .75
Amundson & Berget, mdse to jail ..... 3.50
Ben Rosenberg, mdse to jail ..... 66.70
Carl Riedesel, mdse to jail ..... 12.55
N.P. Stenshoel, services as coroner, (4 bills) ..... 67.90
S. Steenerson, services as Co. surveyer ..... 9.23
T.T. Morken, postage and telegram ..... 3.40
W.A. Lanetot, stamped envelopes ..... 21.54
H.J. Welte, stamped envelopes, postage and express ..... 40.81
H.J. Welte, serving on board of auditors ..... 9.00
N.A. Thorson, expenses while visiting schools ..... 6.78
Andrew Ricke, building bridge ..... 75.00
Ed. Drinkwine, bridge work ..... .75
R.H. Johnson, hauling piling .....1.50
Nels Bakken, bridge work ..... 3.00
Sam J. Juelson, bridge work ..... 50.25
Bjorn Steinson, bridge work ..... 2.50
Arne Landsverk, bridge work ..... 20.00
John S. Hanson, bridge work ..... 19.00
S.S. Hustad, bridge work ..... 32.00
Tom Olson, bridge work ..... 15.85
G.A.E. Finlayson, appearing for county attorney (2 bills) .....60.00
James E. Montague, reporting and transcribing testimony, (5 bills) ..... 213.45
L.E. Gossman, municipal judge, court fees (10 bills) ..... 81.45
G.M. Swift, justice' fees ..... 1.95
John Vig, justice' fees ..... 3.00
G.C. Wilde, justice' fees ..... 2.55
Harry Johnston, constable's fees ..... 12.08
George O'Brien, constable fees ..... 8.29
George O'Brien, witness fees ..... 2.32
John Kitten, witness fees ..... 2.32
Edward Garvick, witness fees 2.32
Mrs. Charles Henderson, witness fees ..... 2.32
Mose Giller, witness fees ..... 1.12
Mrs. Mose Giller, witness fees ..... 1.12
Henry Will, witness fees ..... 1.12
Frank Moffat, witness fees ..... 4.64
Chester Olson, witness fees ..... 4.76
Peter H. Olson, witness fees ..... 4.76
Oscar Olson, witness fees ..... 4.76
Loyd Dalby, witness fees ..... 4.76
Floyd Dalby, witness fees ..... 4.76
Alex Nevills, witness fees ..... 4.76
John Nevills, witness fees ..... 4.76
James Love, witness fees ..... 4.76
Coleman Love, witness fees ..... 4.76
Wm. Bryson, witness fees ..... 4.76
Glen Hopkins, witness fees ..... 4.76
Frank Kiefer, witness fees ..... 4.76
James McDonald, witness fees ..... 4.76
Eugene Mason, witness fees ..... 4.76
Albert McCullough, witness fees ..... 4.76
Wm. Nelson, witness fees ..... 4.76
Wm. Pender, witness fees ..... 4.76
John Roder, witness fees .....4.76
Marius Christianson, services as county commissioner (2 bills) ..... 17.90
H.H. Thoreson, services as county commissioner (2 bills) ..... 21.10
B. Clements, services as county commissioner ..... 9.05
E.G. Edlund, services as county commissioner (2 bills) .....51.20
James Driscoll, services as county commissioner (2 bills) ..... 23.30
St. Vincent's Hospital, care of pauper ..... 55.00
Bergits Cemetery Assn., cemetery lot for pauper ..... 3.00
J.A. Fossum, casket for pauper ..... 20.00
R.H. Johnson, burial of pauper ..... 5.60
G.P. Kirk, M.D., treatment of transient pauper ..... 25.00
J.F. Aanaker, boarding pauper ..... 35.50
Ruettell Clothing Co., mdse. to pauper ..... 3.50
Minneapolis Bridge and Iron Co., building bridge ..... 1015.00
James McIlraith, balance due for bridge work ..... 175.00
T.B. Landsverk, repairing Ditch No. 16 ..... 200.00
Elmer L. Hamery, assisting engineer, Ditch No. 73, (2 bills) ..... 69.00
F. W. Sheffield, assisting engineer, Ditch No. 72 ..... 20.80
B. Clements, services a county commissioner, Ditch No. 73 ..... 6.00
Theodore Meyers, assisting engineer, Ditch No. 73 ..... 34.00
Orvis Hinds, services as engineer, Ditch No. 77 ..... 9.15
Theodore Meyers, assisting engineer, Ditch No. 78 ..... 4.00
Orvis Hinds, services as engineer, Ditch No. 79 ..... 7.00
Severt Larson, posting nitices, Ditch No. 81 ..... 8.00
S. Steenerson, services as engineer, Ditch No. 81 (2 bills) ..... 15.50
H.J. Welte, services as county auditor, Ditch No. 81 ..... 92.25
T.E. Kjolhaug, services as viewer, Ditch No. 82 ..... 18.16
Th. Thorkelson, services as viewer, Ditch No. 82 ..... 19.66
T.O. Rolfson, assisting engineer, Ditch No. 82 ..... 8.12
Bills of the following named parties were laid over until the next meeting of the board:
Dr. R. Turnbull, Pederson & Helland, Arne O. Busterud, Peter Nelson, Minneapolis Bridge & Iron Co. (2 bills), Wm. Barsaloux (2 bills), and James Cumming.

The bill of Phillips Laundry was disallowed.

On motion the board adjourned sine die.
   H.J. Welte,
   County Auditor,
   Ex-Officio Clerk of Board

Source: Crookston Times, Saturday, October 16, 1909
Submitted by B. Gaetz
Posted 2007, Shirley Dorgan
Updated: 1 MAY 2007, S. Dorgan
Updated: 21 APR 2015, K. Kittleson