Henry and Miss Cora Ehnen were visitors at the home of Samuel Aeschlimann last Wednesday evening.
Miss Florence Fletcher took dinner with John Gerber and family last Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Aeschlimann and son Floyd, and Fred Riebe, of East Grand Forks, were visiting Simon and Samuel Aeschilmann and John Gerber and Families Tuesday.
Henry Horn transacted business in Grand Forks Saturday.
Frank O'Neil, of Grand Forks, is working for Samuel Aeschlimann.
John Brantl and daughter, Miss Tilly, drove to Grand Forks Tuesday. Miss Bessie returned home with them.
Mr. Nelson, the banker of East Grand Forks, was out in his auto last Monday calling on John Gerber.
Dr. Church was out in his auto from Grand Forks last week.
William Grundahl was a visitor at the Simon Aeschlimann home last Sunday.
Miss Rosa Kotek, of East Grand Forks was visiting at the John Brantl home last week.
The large barn on the William Gunness farm burned last Saturday. Mr. Gunness is one of Keystone's most prominent farmers, and is the owner of a fine farm.
Misses Violet and Lorene Capes spent last week with their brother Elmer and family near East Grand Forks.
The farmers in this vicinity claim that the strong wind of last Saturday damaged the grain that is still standing, although most of the grain is cut, last week being very favorable for harvesting.
Mrs. John Gerber and children enjoyed a very pleasant visit with Mrs. John Brantl and daughter, Miss Tilly one day last week.
Source: Crookston Times Saturday August 28, 1909
Submitter: Brenda G.
Updated: April 20, 2015, K. Kittleson