

The people of Euclid were always noted for their acts of kindness when misfortune overtook any of their neighbors. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Murphy, who reside on the Tim Biever farm, are all ill with typhoid fever. Last Wednesday a Bee was organized and all the corn shocked on the farm, and Friday and Saturday the small grain was threshed. Barney Thompson furnishing the rig, while many friends acted as a threshing crew.

Dr. Chapin drove a grain wagon and Dr. Dryden hauled bundles and, though he wore gloves, now has a fine fist full of blisters. Dr. Chapin was the only man who cheated. Mr. Biever's share of the grain was to be hauled to the elevator, where it could be dumped in the hopper and did not need to be handled by the armstrong method.

Chapin hauled every one of his loads to the elevator and made the other grain haulers haul to the granary. It was a very creditable thing for the Euclidites to do for a family which was stricken and was very characteristic of that community.

source: Crookston Times, Saturday, September 25, 1909
Submitted by Brenda G. June 2001
Updated 21 APR 2015, K. Kittleson