The Button Business College was located in Crookston.

Button Bus. College The woman to the far left front in the dark coat and hat is my great aunt Anna Laura Johnson. She used the name Laura though. She was born in February 1880 and looks to be about 21 or so years old. The photo must have been taken in late fall or late winter as she is wearing a winter coat as are most of the others. I would date the photo at between 1903 and 1910. It would be great to discover where all the old records for the students went. Does anyone out there know? -- Brenda G.


Three separate articles follow--


The Button Business College is being crowded with pupils this winter and now there are 95 enrolled. The work done is very satisfactory and the method pursued in teaching prepares the pupil in the least possible time for the routine of the business office. An average of three pupils a week are assigned to positions, and Mr. Button says that he has ten applications from employers for every pupil he turns out.

The success has cleared away all doubts of the permanency of the institution, and Mr. Button will in the spring erect a handsome college building that will be specially fitted for the purpose. A brother will engage with him in the enterprise and ample capital is at hand for the purpose.

Source: Crookston Times February 19 1903
Submitted by: Brenda G.



Prof. J. A. Button's Business College - Probably the Best Known Business College in the Northwest has Added Two New Departments

In the future, vocal culture and piano will be taught. The piano instructor has not yet been engaged as the instruction room will not be ready for a little while; but the vocal department opened up yesterday with Andrew Rood as instructor. Mr. Rood is well known in Crookston but is is not well known that he studied vocal culture under Mrs. Stacey Williams of Chicago and Miss Iva Caryl Begolan of Milwaukee both of whom are exponents of the William Shakespeare theory for the development of the human voice. Mr. Rood said to a reporter, "

Mr. Shakespeare is considered the greatest living authority upon voice production in Europe and when a few years ago he paid a visit to this country he commanded fabulous prices for lectures but unfortunately was only able to remain but a short time. Since however, his visit here, his method has attracted the attention of prominent vocal instructors of this country and now it is considered that there is but one true method by which to learn to vocalize and sing artistically and that is by this method; based upon a thoro study of the human chest and practical applications of simple truths.

By wrong methods of the rise of the voice, many with promising voices have been relegated into obscurity when by right methods and careful training they might have electrified the world." His studio is neatly furnished and faces Robert street.

Source: Crookston Times September 7 1905
Submitted By: Brenda G.




J. A. Buttons of Crookston will open a business college in Moorhead about Sept. 1. Mr. Button has secured a lease on Fraternity Hall in the Gletne block there, and will use it for his school purposes.

He has a number of business colleges in other cities in the Minnesota Red River Valley. He expects to start a vigous campaign for students throughout North Dakota for the Moorhead institution.

Source: Crookston Times August 7 1915
Submitted: Brenda G.

Added September 15, 2002
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Updated 18 APR 2015, K. Kittleson