A big fire at Buffalo, Minn., destroyed the tailor shop belonging to E. Clasel, hardware store of John N. Swanson and residence of Carl Zatterman. The fire was caused by the leakage and explosion of an oil stove in the Claes building. Mr. Claes carried $1, 050 insurance and sustained a loss of $1,300; Mr. Swanson carried $1,000 on stock and his loss will be $1,300. Mr. Zatterman's residence was fully covered by insurance.
NOTE: I believe "Clasel" and "Claes" are the same name, but I can't vouch for which one is the correct spelling. - Brenda
Source: Crookston Times, Saturday, September 25, 1909
Submitted by Brenda G.
Updated: 21 APR 2015, K. Kittleson