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If you know of any other agencies that supply Vital Records for Polk County Minnesota, please contact the county coordinator.
Polk County Recorder
P.O. Box 397
Crookston, MN 56716-0397
218-281-3464BIRTH AND DEATH CERTIFICATES (offsite)
Minnesota Historical Society Death Certificate Search Index
Searchable Index of Minnesota Deaths - 1908 through 1955Lake Agassiz Regional Library
(offsite)The Lake Agassiz Regional Library offers a whole range of services that Lake Agassiz Regional Library (LARL) can provide to genealogists. First, genealogists can make in-person, phone, fax, or email contact with staff at an individual branch (e.g., McIntosh, Crookston, Climax, Fosston, and Fertile) to ask for assistance.
If staff there cannot fully meet the need for information, materials, or referral, the request can be forwarded to the Reference Department of the Moorhead Public Library, which functions as LARL's regional reference center in its headquarters branch. If Moorhead Reference cannot fully meet the need for residents of our Minnesota service area, we can forward the request to the state library reference service in the Twin Cities. For nonresidents, we can make referrals to other resources or resource centers that might possibly be able to fill their need.
As to specifics of the services we provide, we can: (a) research specific questions, providing they do not involve inordinate amounts of research, (b) do look-ups in materials we have on hand, (c) attempt to identify materials that would contain desired information, (d) order materials listed in our online catalog for individuals who register to get a LARL library card, (e) order materials from other library systems for LARL cardholders who are residents of our Minnesota service area, (f) provide use of microfilm readers/printers in branches that have them [Ada, Crookston, Detroit Lakes, Fosston, and Moorhead], (g) order newspaper and census microfilm for in-library use, provided requestors pay any fees required by the loaning organization, (h) provide in-house computer and Internet use, along with general assistance, (i) provide classes in computer, Internet, and library resources, (j) provide self-help copying service at ten cents per page, (k) provide circulating and reference materials at branch libraries, in a variety of formats [e.g., books, pamphlets, videos, etc.], for learning more about genealogy, doing genealogical research, and performing genealogy-related activites like traveling, scrapbooking, and so on.
I hope you find this information helpful. Please let me know if you have any questions, and please feel free to use the Ask A Librarian link on our Website if you have any questions about genealogy. The Ask A Librarian link is under the Reference Desk link on the purple side of each of the Larl.org Webpages. If you do have genealogy questions, you can just mention that the question is for Mark Berge.
Elizabeth Lynch
Electronic Resources Librarian
Lake Agassiz Regional Library
(218) 233-3757 ext 137
Updated March 27, 2006, S. Dorgan
Updated 24 APR 2015, K. Kittleson© 2006-2015 MNGenWeb