Listed below are some gracious people who are willing to do "lookups", usually for a
small fee to cover the expenses. Please consult with them concerning the fee prior to
any search. I am thankful to have them listed as I still consider them "volunteers" as we
have NO free research at the present time. If you feel all research should be free, have
YOU volunteered in your county to do free research?

  • Obituary lookups in "The Thirteen Towns" newspaper for a fee, which covers the Fosston area.


  • Obituary lookups in other Minnesota newspapers for a fee. 

  • Lookups of other records at the Minnesota Historical Society, including naturalization records, for a fee. 


I live in the Minneapolis area, so am able to use the MN Historical Society's newspapers on microfilm.  (I can also make copies of death certificates - but these are already available from the MNHS   Contact  Mary Wickersham

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